PRODUCTS > Agriculture > Fresh Farm Plus

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Fresh Farm Plus


  • The main ingredient is a substance extracted from legumes. It was developed at the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, and its efficacy has been proven in several university research institutes.
  • This product kills almost all viruses within 1 minute, providing 100% prevention and cure from diseases such as livestock infectious diseases, swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, BSE, lumpy skin disease (LSD), avian influenza, PRRSV, PED, and bluecellosis. Possible.
  • Completed cytotoxicity, respiratory toxicity, and skin irritation tests, pH 7, biodegradable vegetable ingredients, no heavy metals, and no fluorescent whitening agents, making it harmless to humans and animals.
  • Dilute Fresh Farm Plus 500 times in water and spray on livestock and livestock sheds for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day for 7 days to sufficiently wet them. Almost all positive cases of diseases caused by viruses change to negative and prevention is possible. being.


  • Any place where viral or bacterial infection is suspected, including all animals, livestock barns, food waste, and sewers.
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